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tv   FOX News Primetime  FOX News  May 28, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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sunday transportation secretary pete buttigieg joins guest host shannon bream on "fox news sunday" along with west virginia senator shelley moore capito and remember monday it's great to get together but it's really a day about about remembering those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and you still aunafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted lie barnes jones stars right now. >> lawrence: good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime." ♪ >> lawrence: thank you for joining me i'm lawrence jones in new york. you know, out of all the criticism in media and democrats have for donald trump, one of the loudest and most persistent claim was how he was weak on russia. >> donald trump has been ludicrously soft on russia. >> that moment was one that illustrated how soft president trump was on putin. >> after four years of donald trump's soft approach to russia. >> i have got to tell you from
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the inside of that administration. we thought the president was way too soft on russia. >> those are the glory days he was compromised. he colluded with the kremlin. he was russian asset sent to destroy america. in reality, he wasn't. in fact, he was tougher on russia than any president before him. he armed ukrainians with javelin missiles to fight back the russian tanks in crimea. sent 10,000 u.s. troops to stifle russian expansion. perhaps, more importantly reversed the obama era policies that helped america become energy independent hurting putin right where it hurts him the most, his country's pocketbook. despite what the media told you, trump is not afraid to take action against russia. but what about his successor? he talks tough against putin. called him a killer as we f. we don't already know that but, when it comes time to actually turn up the heat on the kremlin, how is he doing? he lifted sanctions on russia's nord stream pipeline after
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shutting down construction on america's keystone pipeline. so much for the america first policy. he issued sanctions in april for hacking attempts on the 2020 election but then stood on the sideline when the colonial pipeline was held ransom by hackers believed to have ties to the russian government. and now we have learned of a new attempt by russian cyber terrorists to hack into a federal agency. the hackers used a phishing attack to break into the email account used by u.s.a. now, that's a major escalation against the united states. just weeks before joe biden's summit with putin in geneva. it's a huge flex by putin plain and simple. even if the hackers aren't directly tied to the russian government, you know that the kremlin's fingerprints are all over this attack. joe biden was right though. putin is a stone cold killer. and by the looks of his actions. he doesn't respect our new president at all.
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biden has three weeks to make a statement and prove on the global stage that putin should be afraid of us. not the other way around. so the only question is: how is he going to do it? joining me now k.t. mcfarland former deputy national security adviser for the trump administration and author of revolution. pete hegseth is "fox & friends weekend" co-host and host of modern warriors on fox nation. you have got to go see that k.t., i have got to go to you, first. because this is a serious issue. not getting enough coverage. it seems like to me that the russians are moving the cold war online now. so what is the response going to be from the u.s.? >> look, i just want to compliment you on your opening statement. you were spot on because one of the most important things that president trump did was to have american energy independence which drove down the price of oil and natural gas and meant russia's only way of making money eval van for rated.
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russia was broke. the way we won the cold war was bankrupting russia. the way trump had america first policy is bankrupting russia. what should we do now the single most important thing we could do if we want to put vladimir putin in a bad place would be to go after his cyber capabilities and go after his economy. by, again, having america be energy independent. >> lawrence: pete hegseth, thanks for being with me, my friend. 150 attacks just last week worldwide from these hackers and there's a statement actually, this is the kremlin responding to rioters. he said they don't have enough information on the cyberattack and microsoft needs to answer more questions including how the attack is linked to russia. what do you say? >> you can have a lot of questions but there is no doubt the kremlin was aware and likely behind it that nothing happened in moscow without ultimately the bleggings of the government at least knowledge of it. as you acknowledged. k.t. is write russia is a gas
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station with a flag. when you cut off their energy capabilities, you cripple them. when you increase sanctions as the trump administration did, you make them more vulnerable. and when you supply actual weapons instead of blankets, to their adversaries, you are able to block them. i mean, remember when barack obama in 2012 said to mitt romney in the 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back in the democrats have exploited russia when they think it's politically advantageous to russia, russia, russia, against trump. but when they have been at the helm, they have allowed vladimir putin to expand his influence and expand what he wants to be is the restoration of the soviet union. that is ultimate lid his goal. he said it outright. democrats have no tools in the toolbox to actually fight back. will we respond? inferior adversaries go to the tactics that can work for them based on their capabilities. cyber is what vladimir putin thinks is he use because he doesn't believe the biden administration will fight back. and, thus far, he has been
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right, unfortunately. >> lawrence: so i want to stay with pete for a second because i think you hit on a couple good points there. one is i want to understand the difference between words and actions. because back when donald trump was president, there was a lot of i want to work with russia, meanwhile he is literally tearing them apart, policy-wise. now, you got joe biden that's talking tough, talking the real big game. but policy is really not reflecting that. so, what is the strategy there? >> pete: speaking loudly but carrying a little stick has never been the approach that you want to take. and do you know what? president trump, as k.t. knows better than anybody, was derided by his critics for saying he is trying to dismantle nato when the only thing he did reinvigorating it. member states that they had to pay up for their own defense. you can't just stand in the backs on the american military for the next 50 years as well.
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so president trump was willing to engage because he recognized there is other places we could constructively potentially work with the russians but he knew all along that there an adversary to you have to stare down toe to toe. >> lawrence: they wanted a free ride and he wanted them to share the responsibility. i think that's pretty reasonable. k.t., what should the response be before this convention? he doesn't have a lot of time and he can't be weak so what should he do? >> well, he won't do it but what he shouldn't do lawrence is go putin and say okay, solar winds hack, the colonial pipeline hack, the microsoft hack, you say you have nothing to do with it? we don't believe you. in fact, we are going to take action to defend ourselves and to have the deterrence we are going to take action against your capabilities, and, guess what? unless you prove to us that you are not responsible, we assume you are responsible. >> pete: yes. >> lawrence: pete, i have got to ask you, you were on the
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battlefield, served us honorably. why isn't there more investment for cyber defense? where are we going wrong as a country? this stunt seem like we're doing all we can do. >> well, we do have some capabilities that we should be using to hit back at vladimir putin and the russians right now. we should be. more than commensurate with what they have done. like israel does to the iranian nuclear capabilities do what we need to do and where we need to do it. the industrial complex good at building conventional weapons. a lot of money in conventional weapons and ultimately that's with where a lot of our resources go. rightfully so. we can't ignore the communist chinese. they have literal global ambitions where vladimir putin is trying to expand his fear of influence. cyber is where our enemies is going to try to hit us. they realize we are vulnerable and better double down investment there we are going to pay the price. >> lawrence: i see what you said
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there you didn't say we couldn't but we are not. we do have the capabilities we are just not doing it anyway. >> pete: unleashing. >> lawrence: thank you k.t. and pete. don't forget to catch pete's new episode of modern warrior reflections available now on fox nation. if you are a veteran or an active duty military, fox nation is offering you a free year on the platform. just go fox to sign up. coming up: do aliens care about social justice? is that why our military cares more about woke politics than the recent reports of ufos? lieutenant colonel michael lohmeier was fired from the space force after criticizing the military's new pc policy. is he going to join us next. ♪
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♪ 50 [inaudible] >> lawrence: ufos are real, america. every day it feels like another video of unidentified flying object zipping across the sky. why does it seem like the u.s. military is concerned with woke agenda than the very real threat
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of aliens. maybe aliens have fragility. my next guest fired for decrying racism in the military. in new book revolutioning matthew lohmeier claiming marxist ideology too prevalent. brought his case to congress meeting with several senators about the issue this week. matt lohmeier joins me now. lieutenant colonel thank you for joining me. what is your big beef of the military. can you explain the type of marxism that is being taught in the military? >> >> lawrence, thanks for having me. my big beef, that's the first time it's been put that way. i like that question. >> i will say first i don't speak for the defense department these are my personal views although it's clear to me i'm not alone in these views. the country has become increasingly aware of something
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over the last cup couple weeks if not over the last year it's critical race theory. it's the grandchild of critical theory created by marxist who came over here a century ago from germany in the frankfurt school. that's the marxism that i'm specifically identifying in my book and that i have been talking about on a number of shows recently. and, fortunately as i pointed out, it's not just me there is a group that i came to know about in the last several months called stars starrs stand together against racism and radicalism in the services. and whereas just a couple weeks ago that group has several dozen retired alumni from across all of the service academies that membership has boost to 1600. re concerned retired general officers and other retired officers and service members and other concerned stipulates. so, it's not just me that's concerned about it.
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it's me, it's them. it's other parents. and our school system and this is something that not just the u.s. military but seems to be across our entire society. >> lawrence: so you met with the senators today. did you get any feedback? is there going to be some type of investigation there? >> yeah, so i was really grateful there have been a great deal of congressman and senators show who have shown interest in these issues and support for me and for the ideas that i was hoping to share with them as well. so at their request, i was up in washington, d.c. the past several days in my private capacity but to talk about my experiences in the military. senator tom cotton from arkansas spent a lot of time with me and my attorney. senator ted cruz also met with me and congressman mike waltz former green enter wray and a another of staffers whose congressman and congresswomen recently wrote a letter for my
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support requesting my reinstatement. a great deal of congress men and women have shown support for this and great concern over what it is that they have been hearing from me but not just from me but from others now across the services. they have have lent a tremendous amount of support. they are looking into this. they are gathering documents at the moment trying to understand exactly what the problem is and i think that the picture is becoming clearer and clearer to them and i won't pretend to know what it is they dual with that information but i know they are very concerned. >> lawrence: we are going to keep following that but now the real question, lieutenant colonel, now, you are a part of space force. where are these ufos? do they exist? are they real? what can you tell us? because that's what we really want to know. >> hey, that's a fun question. i was on tucker several days ago. he asked me the same question. he was hoping for a really juicy space force story that i might have for him and i told him, look, if i knew something related to my job about that i
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probably wouldn't tell you but i have done my own experience in high school in the mountains of tucson and, in fact, saw something that i can only describe as a ufo and i wasn't alone. there was someone else with me late at night when we saw it. and it was very unique experience. i can't describe it you can go listen to what i said on tucker about it. but, clearly, they are real. whatever they are. whether, you know, and there is a lot of people speculating about what that is and i won't. but, yeah, that's something worth looking into. >> lawrence: should would he be concerned as americans? i don't want you to violate your position but, hell, i think this may unify us if we realize the aliens are going to come for all of us they don't care what shade of color we are. >> well, there are many issues that we have an opportunity to unify around. one of the things, in fact, going back to the topic we initially brought up, which is critical race theory, it's my contention that marxist ideology
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is not a partisan political issue. because it's antithetical to america's founding values and philosophy, this is something that provides us an opportunity to unite and show kind of, you know, if we are talking politics bipartisan support for america's founding values in the face of the onslaught of marxist ideology. we fought the cold war over the spread and contain the spread of marxist communist ideology in the world and spent a great deal of treasures blood and iron in the past century doing that i would hate to think and, in fact, other service members who have written me letters would hate to think some of their loved ones, in fact, went to war over these very issues and now we are not allowed to speak up about it when we see it larynx >> lawrence: it's a dangerous thing. thank you for joining the program. >> happy to be be here. thanks, lawrence.
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>> lawrence: a virginia elementary school teacher has been put on leave after taking a stand against the school's new policies on gender. >> i will not affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it's against my religion. it's lying to a child. it's abuse to a child and it's sinning against our god. >> lawrence: dr. debra -- tammy bruce joins us live on what that means for our country and our kids next. ♪ ♪ ...protects you... ...from a lot of that. keep your car cleaner longer. armor all extreme shield plus ceramic. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪♪
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honors larynx welcome pack. i want to take you to 2002 a man slam dunks the ball. >> lawrence: for those of you who haven't seen it. the film is about a pro-basketball player named jamal who gets suspended from the league. in order to play the sport he comes up with the idea to dress
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in drag become juaananna and compete on the women's basketball game and becomes a star. back in the day it was a farce. scripted to make people laugh. two decades later we are seeing that plot come to life in a serious way. more transgender athletes are come onto the scene from high school sports to the olympics and more conversations are being had on whether or not they should be allowed to compete. this week a competitive mountain bike racer in wisconsin spoke in favor of the state banning transgender athletes from sports. she said she had undefeated season in 2020 before losing to transgender woman. her opponent a biological male quote had the advantage of being born naturally bigger and stronger. and meanwhile transgender student at boise state university argues just the opposite and after being told she couldn't run on the women's cross-country team, she filed a lawsuit against the state of
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idaho for banning transathletes. this issue is even reaching the largest competitive stage in the world the olympics. we have all seen the stories on the weight lifter -- on the course to be the first transgender olympians. before her transition she competed as a man and is now dominating as a transgender woman. but should she be allowed? whether we are talking about these athletes on the high school level, cleanings or professional level. the arguments always comes down to one thing, fairness. when you look at the physical abilities of a biological female versus the physical abilities of a biological male, is it really fair to have the two compete against each other in sports? well, we're going to ask a doctor. joining me now live for medical explanation is dr. debra so, host of the dr. debra sew podcast. doctor, can you break it down in terms so the audience can understand the differences from a man biological man and a
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female? >> well, thank you so much for having me, lawrence. i go into the science of this issue. it's a very, very controversial issue for whatever reason in my book the end of gender. regarding differences between women who are born women and transgender women. and i think we can talk about these differences in a sensitive way but they do exist and the realm of sport it's important that we are able to acknowledge this. so individuals who are born male are on average larger, stronger, and faster than individuals born female. and even those tran individuals who are on hormone therapy so they are suppressing testosterone or on estrogen therapy this does not override that structural foundation. it also does not change muscle mass or muscle strength after a year being on hormones. this is typically the guideline used for many sports but i would argue it does not override the advantages that someone has from being born male.
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>> lawrence: so, by that logic, is it fair for them to be able to compete against biological women? >> no, it's not fair. and it's absolutely heart breaking when you listen to the girls and women who are competing against these individuals. they know before the competition starts what the outcome is going to be. they know they don't have a fair chance. it doesn't matter how hard they train, they know they are not going to be able to reach that level and even if you look at the average nonathlete male, depending on the sport, so a non-transgender male, he will dominate even over elite female competitors. so there is this advantage. it drives me up the wall the fact that women and girls are being called transphobe bic or bigoted for standing up for themselves and speaking up about this. i'm also appalled that most mainstream news outlets are completely misrepresenting their argument or they are basically gas lighting the public into
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believing that there are no differences or that the science shows otherwise. i wish i could go into every single study but they are in my book "the end of gender." i talk about this in i believe a very compassionate and scientific way. >> lawrence: you know, doctor, i'm not aware of all of the science but i can believe my eyes and i know what i have seen my entire life. i know that men are stronger, faster. not to dismiss the women that compete every single day on a high level and there are some women that can compete against some males, right? but, one of the things that is always cited and you alluded to this a little bit earlier about the hormone and the therapy there, some of the transfolks have said that because they take those hormones, that it ends up making them different and it's not the same competitive edge. what do you say to them? >> that's not true and even if you look at some of the studies that are suggesting this. if you actually read the studies, it will say in some cases the authors themselves
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believe that the transgender participants in the study were sabotaging their own performances so that they would seem more like non-transgender females. so, i don't believe that all transathletes do so with transition with the goal of having unfair advantage over female competitors. but if you look at this have a very straightforward perspective and i do feel bad saying this, in many cases these athletes before they transition and competing against men, they were mediocre at best. it's not until they transition and begin competing against women that suddenly they start winning and on the podium. >> lawrence: see, that's where the real conversation is they weren't as good and then when they started to compete against the biological female they rose to the top. doctor, thank you for joining me. also here tonight tammy bruce president of the independent
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women's voice. she is also a fox news contributor she will be filling in for laura tonight. she will join us first. tammy, what about that? they were competing as biological men before they were not as good. and now they want to compete against biological fee males. >> well, obviously and the words you have been use something perfect, lawrence, it's about fairness. we have heard actually caitlyn jenner running for governor of california regardless of what you think of the politics there, she has come out and acknowledged obviously jenner one of the world's most known athletes. most accomplished male athletes at the time when she was bruce jenner. she, herself, has said it's not fair. and her physicality is an example of that so you have individuals born biological male, having, as your previous guest noted as science tells us and we keep being told by the left to trust the science, that boys are -- grow up differently than girls.
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i think every family in america that has boys and girls or around kids know the structurally what the difference is so this is about fairness. it's about acknowledging what we know in front of us and what science also tells us. but i have to say that while a lot of situations have making the news. not every gay person thinks that this is fair. not every transgender person wants to be doing this whether they are an athlete nor do they all support it, clearly. because if you are transgender person, your idea about fairness does not go out the window. your decency does not go out the window. i mean, this is what is so ironic, lawrence you have got a crowd of people. those of us who are gay. people who are transgender saying that we simply want to be treated fairly for who we are. it doesn't make sense to suggest that this is the natural position. this is a political position to be taking to suggest that as a biological male that you would
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think it's exactly the same. transgender people know that they are not the same they know there is a difference what's happened framework of their lives it takes courage and honor and seriousness to do it. in this process we can't let a few leftist political ideas literally erase women and, look, i have to admit, and as a feminist, it's -- i don't like this so much. but that women and men sports have been separate for a reason. because we aren't as strong. because we aren't as big. the structure is different. and this kind of a fight asks us to not believe our lying eyes. and i think americans reject it certainly and out of fairness to everyone, it's not homophobia. it's not transphobe i can't. the transgender community in general knows. this and so do the -- so does the gay community. let's make sure that we don't let the media make us think that
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we're more divided than we are. >> lawrence: yeah, so, tammy, i want to pick up on that point. because it's important one people in the gay/transcommunity are having this conversation. one thing i have noticed because i have taken place in these conversations to hear people before this segment get out of this our community if you can't stand with us on this issue? they seek to bull can nice all of us whether it's about sexuality or race or ethnicity or gender, this is the way you control people by pitting them against their neighbor. this is the ugliness of the left. it's been implemented around the world to the detriment and the destruction of lives in countries throughout the last hundred years certainly.
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but why it's not just the gay community. people who are minorities who relied on the left must turn around and open their lives. my god, our lives are being ruined by people using us as cannon fodder, misrepresenting what matters to us. and using us to kind of keep republicans and democrats separated and to gain power. look, there is only one person who has got like $4 million worth of houses because of black lives matter and that is one of its founders. and she has recently resigned. but there is a lot of people who are making a lot of money and it's not the people they say that they represent. so let's remember this. this is political. >> lawrence: it is. >> people who tell you to shut up or get out are not looking out for your best interest. >> lawrence: it's such an important point. on this show i don't advocate for people voting for either party. i do advocate for people taking the power back and making each party work for the vote. when you are loyal to one group, why even work for it?
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and that's exactly what's happening in the country today but i believe, tammy, that people are waking up. they have been waking up for a long time because they are upset with their circumstance. and i do think they are going to take the power back. thank you so much for joining the program you can also see tammy tonight -- >> -- also guys. i was going to say everybody can being asked or told to conform, that's your first flag that something has gone terribly wrong with the people who say they champion you. >> lawrence: such a good point. tammy, you can see her tonight at 10:00 p.m. she is filling in for laura. make sure you all watch her tonight. thank you so much for coming on the program. coming up: we have the latest on the missing maine woman last seen getting into a car on times square as residents in the rest of the once great city struggle to navigate through the deadly crime wave. more on that next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> lawrence: the hunt is on to find a missing 29-year-old woman from maine who vanished early monday after she was last seen getting into a car outside of a fast food restaurant. in new york's iconic times
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square. fox news correspondent greene is live in new york with the latest on this story. it's a mystery, lauren, tell us what you have got. >> lawrence, it's as if she just vanished. last seen in the wee hours of monday morning in the crossroads of the world. >> police are asking for the public's health to find her. tall and model thin 29-year-old kristin hammondtri plymouth maine footage seen after 2 o'clock a.m. on monday. got into a car identified two men and women outside of times square. she hasn't been heard from since. the latest photo shows 5 the brown hair christine at mcdonald's about an hour and a half before wearing a blue shirt, shorts, flip-flops and carrying an orange backpack. christine's father wrote that his daughter has always had contact with us. she is a wonderful, loving daughter and trusting. she lived for a time in new york city but moved back to her parent's home in maine about
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five months ago. police say she came to the big apple to visit a boyfriend and she was expected to be back in maine this week and she -- her father said she doesn't have any possessions and we have given her some money and the account was getting low. we are very concerned about her safety. you know, lawrence, the investigation into christine's disappearance yields more than answers bad omen to trying to bring people back to the city after the covid-19 shut down. back to you. >> lawrence: lauren, before i let you go, any word from the boyfriend? is he a suspect in the case right now. >> i have no idea. and do you know what? i have called the police, left messages with him, two questions i wanted to have answered. have you talked to the boyfriend have you located him and have you talked to him? and they have not returned our phone call. >> lawrence: if my girlfriend is missing that's not a good sign. back to you, lauren. >> sure.
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>> lawrence: every day brings new reports on the crime in new york city streets and subways a new documentary called this is new york showing the daily struggle of residents trying to survive amid deadly crime homelessness, watch. >> we need to get new york under control. at any point between now and now. >> shootings, stabbings, people approaching you willing to accost you. they have nothing to lose. they won't get in trouble. >> i would love for the at this to care about the city again. get control on things. >> lawrence: wow. joining me now the documentary's director matthew taylor. matthew, i have got to ask you. by the way, well done great cinematography it really shows that story. got the opportunity to watch a little bit of it today. what inspired you to shoot in film? >> look, i have been a resident in new york city for a long time. you know, my mother worked in the city in the 1980s and the 19 0s. i saw a different new york. i saw a different new york when i was a child to what new york had become over the last 25
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years. in the last couple years the city is starting to decline. there is a new epidemic coming out of covid and just called crime. and you have millions of people who have been in their apartments for the last year who haven't gone out and they are not prepared for what has been happening on the streets. they are not ready they put their purses on the outdoor dining and there is assault and somebody takes it it's important that these issues are brought to people's attention that we talk to people. and that they are made aware of what is happening to the greatest city in the world. >> lawrence: you know, matthew, i have done a lot of reporting across the country here in new york. it seems to me that the criminals feel emboldened, i mean, people are now shooting unjust in the middle of times square. that didn't used to be the case. so, why do they feel that way? did you get any answers about that? >> yes. there has been a number of changes that have been happening. i mean, the city has been on the decline in the last couple
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years. covid accelerated some of those fishers that have appeared in the structure of the city there was bail reform at the beginning of 2020. criminals feel emboldened to do things. you are immediately turned out unless it's rape or murder. and so, interest is a certain danger that has seeped into the subway system. seeped into midtown and seeped into all five boroughs. you see the graffiti rising all over the at this. it hasn't looked this way since 1991. so, you know, again, people are not aware who live in the city who have been there for the last 15 years, they didn't live in this environment. it is coming back with a vengeance. >> lawrence: i have got to ask you this: did you get the cop angle? because when i talk to them they tell me they feel like they're under the attack and don't have the community support. many of them want to have conversations with the community on how to come together but it
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doesn't seem like they are being supported right now. what did you hear? >> you know, we talked police commissioner kelly and we talked to police commissioner bratton who were police commissioners during some of the rougher years in the early years. so, you know, the police are -- have been under assault. by politicians by certain groups and, again, you know, people say oh, you know, the answer to shootings in times square is not more police but, in fact, you know, people who are being shot saying yes, it is more police. you need police to be there to help prevent some of these crimes, you know, so, the police are in a position where they are being defanged and they are in a difficult position because they can get in trouble for certain things that usually would -- they shouldn't be in trouble for. >> lawrence: matthew, thank you so much for coming on the program. >> thank you for having me. >> lawrence: i heard correctly from my producers i think we got confirmation that they just found the missing girl.
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there are reports right now. we are going to follow that story. we haven't been able to independently confirm it here at fox news but we will follow it later on in the hour. the biden administration just took a big step toward allowing your tax dollars to fund abortion. allie beth stuckey. i call her a.b.s. she is here with more on that next. ♪ to hug my students. with every vaccine, cvs is working to bring you one step closer to a better tomorrow. so then i said to him, you oughta customize your car insurance with liberty mutual, with every vaccine, cvs is working to bring you so you only pay for what you need. hot dog or... chicken? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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talk to an eye doctor about twice-daily xiidra. i prefer you didn't! xiidra. not today, dry eye. >> today, the by the announced a $6 trillion federal budget proposal. the hyde amendment was passed over four decades ago to prohibit the federal funding of abortion. scrapping of the amendment, biden has opened the door for the government to force taxpayers to fund abortions. now liberal activists are calling this a historic step is just another instance of the biden administration bending to the progressive left agenda.
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joining me now, the host of relatable and that is a podcast you can get everywhere. why do you think biden did this because he won support of this, switch the position in 2019. >> you are exactly right and he is going back unfortunately on his stance that he held for decades when he said he supported the hyde amendment, that he actually voted for a ban on late-term abortion twice when he was a senator so he's been pretty moderate on this issue. that's why some voted for him saying there's no way he's going to repeal the hyde amendment, maybe he will stand up for unborn life when he is president but unfortunately, he's done exactly what he promised to do in his campaign and that is to propose the removal of the hyde amendment.
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>> is there going to be some buyers remorse that voted for him? he said a lot of things and said that he was going to do this on the campaign trail so they should have been aware of this, right? >> yes. i think a lot of people who said they were pro-life evangelicals were a biden who said they were conservative on a lot of issues but just didn't like donald trump, they were a lot more liberal than they let on trying to get some conservative evangelicals devote provided so they pretended that somehow his policies were going to reduce the number of abortions but at this point, it's unmistakable that he is a pro-abortion president. this is not just pro-choice administration the way that you could say the obama administration was where clinton administration was, this is a pro-abortion administration and a people who voted for him who say they are pro-life will have to reckon with that choice at some point. i do hope there is some buyers
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remorse but i've learned to not be too optimistic when it comes to politics. >> only a few more seconds with you, i want to get your reaction to these parents being ashamed for not vaccinating their kids because of concerns, your new mother. what is the stand on this issue. >> this is a very personal choice for a lot of people, no one should be ashamed. there are a lot of enthusiastically pro-vaccine parents who have questions about whether it is necessary for their kids so they are taking a wait-and-see approach and no one should be ashamed for their decision and it's very personal and they will make the decision that's best for their families. >> parents take care of their kids, they should be between the parent and the medical professionals coming to the season but at the end of the day it's your decision as a parent and it's sad that those liberties are leaving this
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country. anyway, thank you so much for joining me, you should check out her podcast, thank you so much for watching fox news prime time this week. i'll be hosting fox and friends this week and will be here at 7:00 p.m. starting monday, thank you so much to all the producers, you make me look good. you write it, i read it. tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and a welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." at some point, it was hard to imagine now, the current revolution will end. they can be sustained and you will wake up one morning in a country where we don't have to lie about everything all the time where mass is allowed, where we can acknowledge the profound and inherent differences between men and women without being fired for it. that day is coming


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